The Writing Hub

Where Creativity Flows

The Great Indoors Zine

The Great Indoors


I pace around the room.

Is it day? Night? Morning?

Evening or afternoon?

It's all the same to me.


Days and weeks merge into one.

It could be Monday, Wednesday,

Or Friday. I don't know anymore.

Just an endless stream of time.


Walls surround me,

Darkness closes in.

A sense of fear.

I need to breathe.

I can't breathe.


My emotions bubble up inside.

They dance in my head,

Screaming to escape.

"I just want to get out of here".


The air is stale and unpleasant.

Food is low, shelves are empty,

And I have no loo roll left

I miss the sun and the breeze on my face,

The fun and laughter with friends and family too.


But through all this gloom,

All this unrest, we will go on.

The doors will be unlocked,

Bars will be ripped down,

And shelves stacked plentifully.

Life will continue.

I will be free.

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