It is nineteen sixty-one and the residents of Berlin, now within the Soviet Zone, are about to find out that the city is divided in two. Roads, bridges, and train tracks are split between East and West; with many people stuck either side of the wall. Families torn apart and the tension between East and West increasing by the day, it is heartbreakingly difficult to know what has happened to those you know on the other side.
Hannah and, now, her husband Mathäus are living in West Berlin with their daughter enjoying life. On the eve of the wall being resurrected, their daughter heads into East Berlin to visit friends, not knowing that the Russians are planning to close the border. The only way they could communicate was by letter, although both do not know when or if they will be reunited again.
It is only when the wall comes down in nineteen eighty-nine that her daughter finds out what has happened to her parents. It is only from letters written both sides of the wall that show the resilience and determination to try and stay united while separated from each other.